catalytic coaching

Alycia is fiercely committed to activating you towards achieving your best ambitions and goals, while remaining grounded and connected within your  community. As an exemplar, activated leaders become beacons of hope in a world deeply in need of heroic direction and justice.

Her coaching incorporates a strengths-based approach steeped in Heroic Coaching tools and directed counselling to help you close the gap between your most ambitious and successful vision of yourself and where you are currently.

Consistently working ancient wisdom infused with scientifically proven tools of mastery over time creates synergistic reactions of growth and new insights to move you closer to your ideal version of yourself while achieving big goals and dreams that one often thought impossible.

Intrigued? Want to see what type of chemistry you could generate in your life?   

Let’s connect!

 Humanity worx

Humanity Worx is committed to providing relevant and meaningful methodologies which position you and your organisation to become a leader as an ethical and conscious employer and organisation.

We are a specialised project-based team founded and lead by Instigation working in association with SH!FT Foundation & others. We are a collective of experts co-designing learning journeys and facilitated peer consultations to foster psychologically safe, equitable, and inclusive environments where people feel they belong and that their unique contributions are expected and appreciated. 

Rather than focus solely on assessments and strategic plans, like many who work on diversity, equity and inclusion, we use process-oriented and engaged collaborative action. Our approach also examines and dismantles systemic and unconscious oppression and the beliefs that sustain them in order to co-create progressing collective action and ownership that restructures and realigns with equitable values and practices for communities and societies which are socially just.

The primary focus is around our individual, communal and systemic relationships to power, which informs privilege, micro-aggressions and oppressive practices that lead to the dreaded "-isms"that plague our world. Whether oppression is centred around issues of age, race, ethnicity, nation, gender, neuro-capacity, multi-ability, or fill in the blank, we believe interweaving the “outsider” and “other" into the inter-connective tapestry of "each other," is the work of restoring the ability to recognise humanity each other and our universal desire to belong.

That is how, we believe, humanity worx.

Click here if you want to know more about Humanity Worx for your organisation